Why does the Texas Humane Legislation Network have so many lawyers?


Many THLN lawyers may be
representing cities
(“municipalities”) but
why bother now?
Pet gassing ended
no thanks to THLN!

The Dallas Young Lawyers
Association, Animal
Committee, is 100%

aligned with THLN!

Satirical but true critique of attorneys in Humane Society
Of the United States, with which THLN has strong linkage---
This video has more than three million views
And upvotes of more than ninety three percent---


These aren’t their names; however,
they should consider adopting
these names (a “Dirty 30”) ---

Willard Whipp
Ives Phuener V
Jarrod Insirians II
Swanky Blinger VI
Sygeria DeSuperior
Ty Membletesser II
Phobos Draco Bligh
Beltero Tifftuffer Jr.
DeLuna Chillingham
Carterette Cruelette
Goldy Buckhuckster
Burt “Tex” Bubberts
Raymond Slaycasher
Skylene Ioletta Zenith
Grandero Neltonian V
Struttero Pompateer IV
Apollonia Aurelia Aegius
Shady Lomax Murkington
Mendenhall Billington XII
Mania Empress Umphress
Serepta LaBanka Carricart
Cherry Candette Chellthell
Broadnax Ajax Mullinax III
Brandy Tiara Brisserchasser
Constantia LaZeusa Corvallia
Ellicott Pinnacle Crownover IV
Deveron Remington Dillinger II
Sharlexia Moneyette LaGlittera
Carnahan Stranahan McClanahan
Drysdale DeLaCrendanche Foppington VI

As this is written THLN has a character named Daniel Cartwright II on its “august” (??) board of directors. This particular Cartwright sure would never have been welcomed at the Ponderosa Ranch in Nevada!

Psychiatrist Samuel Cartwright (1851) said slaves who wanted to escape had “a disease of the mind” which he labeled “drapetomania” and the cure for this (invented) disease was to “whip the devil out of them.”

We do wonder if the Cartwright with THLN is a family offshoot of Samuel Cartwright.

 “The prestige of the legal profession is at its lowest ebb in all recorded history” ---former Texas Governor John Connally, Associated Press release, May 13, 1992.

 “I’ll never vote for another lawyer for high office, no matter what his party affiliation is.  Lawyers write and promote legislation that benefits their profession, so much so that it seems like a conspiracy”---letter to Fort Worth Star Telegram, 4/5/1990, page 16.

 Have I ever been helped by an attorney?  Yes.  An attorney helped me recover an employment position I once voluntarily resigned.  I was under no pressure to resign.  However, it’s easier to be fired and overcome that, than to voluntarily resign with a good record, and be rehired!

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